Monday, December 6, 2010


Presently the problems of kashmir,refugees of bangladesh, tamil refugees, pakistan problem,afganistan, Taliban, effect of terrorism on india,in northeast border dispute withchaina,maaovad in nepal.These are the problems which we are facing and our future generations will also face. If we don't take effective steps than again we loose big thing at each level. all the countries want to get strong economically and this is possible through common currency, apart from India and Pakistan, some other countries of south asia also want to join the nuclear club.To achieve all these goals we need ossinn. India,pakistan,bangladesh,nepal ,bhutan, maaldeep,shrilanka tibbat afganistan,mynmaar etc. around 9 to 10 countries which may come in USSA. So objective and status are clear only step has to be decided.

STEP 8 - A family of 9 to 10 countries has to be made and from each states we will take one member. after completing part two there would be a government of party less social workers.As 9 people family will hold USSA all the boundaries will fall apart. All 9 family system will elect a common president. system will move from indian state to other state.

STEP-9 - Meanwhile in the time period of completing part 1 & 2 inter state marriages will beencouraged to act as a bridge between two states.

STEP- 10 - As soon as the starting of 9 ossinn, a citizen card of USSA will be issued in the 1st month meeting which will have common universal tree number,date time and map.But the members will be known by their membership code only.

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